I loathe Hallmark holidays.  I'm also a big believer in the notion that the pleasure is in the giving, more than the receiving.  In the pleasuring and pleasing and nurturing of others.  It's where the greatest gifts are for me.  While this has been a huge year in terms of being a "child" in the parent-child continuum, with the passing of my father, my last surviving parent, on this Father's Day I want to celebrate the people who have given me the gift of being a parent, their parent.  Who continue to expand and evolve and seek and explore, and are my greatest inspirations and teachers and mirrors.  While my father loved me, for sure, he had no idea about how to connect, and I didn't have the opportunity to have any kind of engagement with him where I felt seen, or understood or held in a safe place.  My intention and desire has always been to create a safe space, as a Dad, for my kids to be the best manifestation of who they are, to dream big, and to give them two of the most important elements that I could provide - Roots + Wings.  Thank you, Maia and Cooper, for the opportunity to have the gift of unconditional love.  Definitely a first for me.  Love, Dad.